PWHS at US Open & Youth Club Championships
Update: Read about the PWS Ultimate team ranked the #15 team in the United States
Ultimate Frisbee’s US Open and Youth Club Championship (YCC) is held each August in Minnesota, drawing the top club and youth teams from across the country. The weekend marked a return to organized ultimate following the 18+ months of COVID-19 restrictions, and the pent-up desire to compete was released in a thrilling weekend of Ultimate.
Teams from Oregon are highly competitive at YCC, and this year was no exception. Oregon Youth Ultimate (OYU) fielded four YCC teams this year: Oregon Downpour (U-20 Girls), Oregon Train Wreck (U-20 Boys), Oregon Rapids (U-20 Mixed), and Oregon Clear/Cut (U-17 Boys).
After the last huck was thrown and the last end-zone bid made, Oregon proved that it is one of the strongest Ultimate states around, with Oregon Downpour and Train Wreck each wining national titles! Oregon Rapids placed 5th and Clear/Cut placed 3rd in their respective divisions, ensuring Oregon will be challenging for more titles in the coming years.
Ultimate Frisbee is a part of the Portland Waldorf experience: pick-up games at recess, school teams and summer leagues. We were so excited and proud to see current and former PWS High School students on the field at YCC this year.
Oregon Train Wreck: Joey Renzema (’21)
Oregon Clear/Cut: Bram Allahdadi (’24), Rowan Cahill (’23) and Leo Renzema (’23), coached by Ke’ali McCarter (’20)
Oregon Rapids: Emily Andre (’23), Roman Cole (’23), Matteo Giametta (’23)
Special thanks to parent Farshad Allahdadi for his on-the-ground reporting, and to high school coach Jay Cohen for his ongoing support and development of our PWS players.